Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The club calendar is published on the CALENDAR page of our website. Note, you may need to be using Google Chrome as your web browser to be able to view as it is an embedded google calendar. This provides the latest available information on various milestones for the season.
2025 Season | U6-U14 Recreational / Grassroots Dates
Super Rec / U15-U19
*Please note these dates are preliminary and subject to change.
No, registration fees do not include a full uniform kit. However, they do include a training jersey.
Full uniforms can be purchased separately from Kombat Soccer's online store. To ensure delivery by August 3rd, please place your order by July 23rd for the 2025 season. For more details and access to the order form, visit the UNIFORMS page on our website.
If you purchased a uniform last year, you're all set! Our uniforms will remain the same for the until 2030. The only reason you would need to buy a new kit next year is if your player outgrows their 2024 uniform.
The new uniform package from Kombat Sport includes:
*Note: Balls are no longer included with uniform purchases but can be purchased separately during registration in Playmetrics checkout.
RSC has over 3500 players in our recreational program with approximately 300 teams to form. This takes a lot of effort and time. The team rosters are typically finalized by mid-July. Once that is done, our volunteer board members will then review which teams have coaches and which do not. Teams without a coach will then be contacted looking for a volunteer. The coaches meeting is typically held near the end of July with information going out to all teams in early August.
As part of this process, some teams will hear information earlier than others and that is normal.
To register a player, visit the registration page of our website. Registration is typically open from early March to May 31 each year. After May 31st, you can sign up for the waitlist and every effort is made to place waitlisted players. No fee is charged for being on the waitlist unless the player is placed on a team.
After the registrations are completed, the applicants are separated by gender and age group. From there, they are placed on tentative teams based on requests and location. Final team placement is made by the club registrar when the roster is created. Recreational soccer does not have tryouts. Everyone will be placed on a team!
The club registrar will begin reviewing waitlisted players after the teams have been formed with players who registered prior to the deadline. From there the registrar will check if teams still have room for players, or if an entirely new team can be formed from waitlisted players. Additionally, every year some players leave for a variety of reasons which opens up spots as well.
Generally, the waitlist is reviewed after the coaches meeting is held at the end of July and waitlisted players will begin being placed during the first week of August. It is possible some may be placed as late as near the end of August after practices have started as spots open up if some players leave. We know you are curious but asking the registrar for an update any time prior to August 7th is not productive.
The club CALENDAR is the best resource for the latest information on dates.
The season officially begins in August and ends in November. Games are played on Saturdays and practices are held 1-2 times during the week. (As set by coach with input from parents and effected by age group). The field in which your child practices will be given to you by your coach just before the season begins. Field assignments are not made until the summer when teams have been finalized.
Practices usually begin around the second week of August with the first games held the last Saturday in August. Each team's practice schedule is determined by the team's coach, and usually communicated to teams during the first week of August. The game schedule is typically released the Monday before the first game. Please do not contact the registrar about practice schedules as your coach will have that information, not the registrar.
For the latest available information, visit the GAME SCHEDULE page of our website. The first half of the schedule (the first 5 games) are typically not published until the Monday before the first games. The second half of the schedule (the last 5 games) are published during the mid-season break after the league scheduler reviews results from the first half and re-seeds the teams based on performance to date.
RSC is great fun for children that turn 5 years old through 18 years old sometime during the calendar year. This means if a player is currently 4 years old but will turn 5 years old any time up to and including December 31st they can play. If a player is younger or older than these dates, they cannot play in the fall season.
Home = Black
Visitor = White
In cases where two Roseville teams play each other, there is still a "Home" and "Away" team. The team listed first on the schedule is the "Home" team.
We advise all players to bring both black and white jerseys to every game. Mix-ups do happen, and it's always good to be prepared.
You can now request which team you would like to play on during registration. Once in your PlayMetrics registration, you will be able to pick a team or request to play with a friend! All efforts will be made to honor requests.
Every effort is made to honor team and friend requests; however, it is not always possible to honor every request. As teams move up in ages, more players are required per team, but fewer players available as some people stop playing. This necessitates breaking up some teams and distributing the players to other teams. Additionally, some teams fill up with early registrations thus not leaving spots on that team for later registrations.
Priority is given to players who played on a team previously. The next priority is given to earlier registrations.
RSC has a partnership with the City of Roseville and make use of many of the parks throughout the city. For a complete list, please visit the FIELDS page of our website.
Practice locations and times are set by the team's coach and not by the club. Please do not contact the registrar with questions about this as it's something managed at the team level. Practice locations should be set by the first week in August after which the coach will communicate with the team.
Yes! We will update this answer when we have more information.
Will be announced after the start of the season. Please watch your inbox for more details.
Our referee assignors work to supply three referees for all U11 through U19 games, and one referee for all U9 & U10 games. The 4v4 games played by U6-U8 ages are officiated by the coaches.
There is a referee shortage across the region and we expect some games to not have official referees. In these instances the home team should provide a volunteer parent. RSC offers training for parent volunteers,.
Seating arrangements can be found on the SEATING POLICY page of our website.
The season is designed to have 10 games. Games may be cancelled due to heat, smoke, or inclement weather. Makeup games are not guaranteed for cancelled games. Additionally, there is an optional tournament at the mid-season break that the team may choose to enter or skip. Choosing to enter the tournament adds an additional 3 or 4 games.
Team names are chosen prior to the beginning of the season by teams and coaches. No duplicate names should be used in the club. This allows for clarification in all club information which names are used (schedules, pictures, sponsorships, etc.). No team name can be changed after official rosters have been handed out.
Coaches are required to keep an official team roster that includes all active players for the current season. The following roster minimum and maximum player counts apply:
Any changes to the team roster, including player or coach additions, transfers, or removals, must be approved by the club registrar. Upon approval, an updated roster will be distributed to the coach(es).
Goal keepers not allowed in 4v4 games. Starting at the 7v7 groups (U9+) and higher, goal keepers become part of the game.
Players with a hard cast cannot play. Even if wrapped and bubble wrap or foam, hard casts are not allowed. This is a hard rule with no flexibility implemented for player safety.
Players with a soft brace can play at the discretion of the referee. Braces with metal supports are not permitted. If a referee is not assigned to the match, then the home team coach will have final decision.
Visit the CASTS POLICY page of our website for more information.
Players with a piercing are not allowed to play unless the jewelry is removed. Placing tape over the piercing is NOT sufficient. This is a hard rule with no flexibility implemented for player safety.
Visit the JEWELRY & PIERCINGS POlICY page of our website for more information
Take a deep breath, sit back and enjoy the rest of the game. Referees are human and will make mistakes. You are human and will make mistakes. The kids will remember the example you set, long after they forget any single call on a play. The club has a zero tolerance Referee abuse policy (physical or verbal) and will support the referee on all judgment calls. Referee Abuse Policy HERE
RSC is a non-profit volunteer organization. We are not affiliated with any school districts or the City of Roseville. There is a Board of Directors that meet monthly to make the tough decisions and several volunteers who are needed to keep things running smoothly each season. Please consider volunteering to help the club. If you are interested, please contact the Club President.
Fall recreational program refund policy and process
Full refunds for registration (minus processing fee) are allowed for any reason as long as they are submitted on or before May 31st.
50% partial refunds for registration (minus processing fee) are allowed for requests made after May 31st through July 15th.
No refunds are allowed after July 15th unless for medical reason or special circumstances which require board approval
Any player or family removed from the club for disciplinary purposes will not be granted a refund of funds paid for registration.
Recreational Player Refund process
Refund requests must be made by going to our website and submitting a request. The request is timestamp which will be used as the submission date.
Most refunds will be processed as an electronic credit to your original form of payment.
To request a refund, please CLICK HERE
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We're thrilled to announce that registration for the 2025 Recreational Soccer Season is now open! This is the perfect opportunity for players to get introduced to the exciting world of soccer and make new friends. Join our community for a season filled with fun, learning, and teamwork.