The Roseville Youth Soccer Club, through the participation of many valuable volunteers, coordinates two tournaments each year. We have our competitive level tournament (Junction City Gold Cup) and our recreational level tournament (At the Break)
These are all very well organized tournaments for teams who wish to spend a weekend competing against their piers in beautiful Roseville.
We look forward to your participation in these great tournaments. Please see below more information on each tournament or contact the tournament director with questions.
Name of Tournament: At The Break 2024
Date of Tournament: October 5th 2024
Number of Teams: 60 estimated
Open to all recreational league teams in good standing with any U.S. Soccer Federation affiliate are eligible to apply
Format: U7/U8 teams will play in a 4v4 format with coaches as referees. U9-U14 teams will play on a 7v7 size field in a 5v5 +Goalie format. There will be 1 center referee.
Each game will be 15 min halves with a 5 min break. 4V4 coaches and decide between themselves if they want to have smaller halves/longer halftime.
All teams will play 3 games (should the bracket allow it) (with top teams competing in a final)
At this time, we are trying to place already registered players on teams
Name: Robert Werner
Mailing Address: Po Box 355 Roseville CA 95678
Phone Number: 916-599-1493
E-Mail Address:
When the schedule is determined, we will add a link here to all games.
Many parks have multiple fields at them. Click here to find maps that show the field number at each park
This tournament is unrestricted. Teams registered in good standing with any U.S. Soccer Federation affiliate are eligible to apply
U9-U12: $650/team
U13+: $750/team
This is NOT a pay-to-stay hotel. Choose your own hotel with your own rate. For a list of suggested hotels, please submit a question to our tournament director.
Team managers or coaches should register teams.
Name: Robert Werner
Mailing Address: Po Box 355 Roseville CA 95678
Phone Number: 916-599-1493
E-Mail Address:
When the schedule is determined, we will add a link here to all games.
Many parks have multiple fields at them. Click here to find maps that show the field number at each park
1. Tournament Information:
Name of Tournament: Roseville Premier Junction City Gold Cup 2024
Name of Hosting Organization: Roseville Youth Soccer Club
Date of Tournament: July 20th & July 21st, 2024
Maximum Number of Teams: 120
Age Group(s), Division(s) and Gender(s): U9-U16, Bronze – Premier, Boys/Girls
Tournament is open to US Club and Cal North sanctioned teams.
2. Tournament Director Information:
Name: Robert Werner
Mailing Address: PO Box 355 Roseville CA 95678
Phone Number: 916-599-1493
E-Mail Address:
Tournament Website Address:
3. Entry Fees:
U9-U12: $650
U13-U16: $750
Make check payable to: Roseville Youth Soccer Club
4. Guest Player Policy:
A maximum of 5 guest players will be accepted in this tournament
Guest players will be allowed in accordance with US Club or Cal North Guest Player Policies. Teams other than US Club or Cal North teams must abide by their receptive guest player policies. All guest players attending must have a valid member pass, consent for medical treatment form, and be listed on the appropriate travel forms. Guest players must use credentials from the same season as those being used by the team with which they are playing
5. Application Policies/Procedures:
Teams may apply to only one tournament per weekend unless they have received a rejection notification from a tournament OR they properly withdraw from a tournament. Teams that inappropriately apply to more than one tournament on a given weekend face financial and disciplinary sanctions by the US Soccer or Cal North. Teams may play in only one age group/gender classification in any given tournament on one weekend. The tournament has the right to close any and all age groups that are completely full prior to the application deadline. The tournament may eliminate a division if a lack of sufficient number of applicants for that division is received. Teams will be notified of a division closing within seven days following the application deadline.
Tournament application deadline: June 28th, 2024
Notification of team acceptance or rejection will be sent to every timely applicant by: July 1st, 2024
Rejected team’s entry fees must be refunded on the date the rejection notice is sent to the team.
6. Refund Policy:
No refunds are available after notification of acceptance by the Tournament Director or six week prior to the start of the tournament, whichever occurs later.
7. Withdrawal Policies/Procedures:
A team wishing to withdraw from a tournament must send a written notification to the tournament director (this may include email) of their decision to withdraw not later than 14 days prior to the start of the tournament. Failure to do so may result in a minimum $300 team penalty assessed by the tournament as well as forfeiture of tournament entry fees) Teams that have submitted a timely application and that have not received notification from a tournament director of the acceptance or rejection six weeks prior to the tournament may withdraw without penalty and apply to another tournament and the team’s entry fee will be refunded in full. The tournament director will provide written acknowledgement of the withdrawal to the team which will include directions regarding any financial consequences and/or penalties associated with the team’s withdrawal.
8. Credentials Requirements:
Credentials from the 2023-2024 season(s) will be accepted in this tournament.
Teams will be grouped based on the age group matrix for the 2024-2025 season.
Tournament is open to US Club and Cal North sanctioned teams.
The following credentials must be presented at the mandatory team credentials check-in (online and through Gotsport):
A. A properly approved official team roster, including guest player approvals, issued by the team’s governing organization.
B. Properly approved member passes from the same seasonal year for each player (including guest players). All member passes for the team and the team’s guest players must be issued by the same governing organization.
C. A properly completed medical release and hold harmless declaration signed in original ink by the parent or guardian (or by the player in the instance where the player is 18 years of age) for each player and guest player.
D. Each team must have at least one properly credentialed adult present on the sidelines of each match.
E. In addition to being checked at the pre-tournament credentials check-in, all members’ passes will be checked prior to the beginning of each match.
9. Mandatory Credentials Check-In
Each team is required to have their team checked in before each game. Check ins will be done with the site coordinators located at the check in tents close to the field entrance. Player passes will be returned to the team after check in.
Location: Roseville Youth Soccer Club Tournament Fields
Date: Saturday July 20th and Sunday July 21st
Time: 8:30AM to 4:45PM
Teams failing to attend the mandatory check-in without prior approval of the tournament director will forfeit their games.
10. Length of Games and Half Time period (list each age group):
Preliminary Games
U9-U12: 25 min half w/ 5 min half time
U13-U16: 30 min half w/ 5 min half time
Consolation & Championship Games
U9-U12: 25 min half w/ 5 min half time
U13-U16: 30 min half w/ 5 min half time
In preliminary games ties will stand. If a championship or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, the game will be decided by penalty kicks as per FIFA laws of the game. The length of any game may be shortened to shorter but equal halves if the Tournament Committee deems it necessary due to field conditions, weather, or darkness.
11. Mandatory Rest Periods
Teams and players must be given a minimum rest period of 1 hour and 30 minutes between games. The rest period will commence when a team’s or player’s match ends and will end when the team’s or player’s subsequent match begins.
12. Substitutions:
Unlimited substitutions are allowed with referee approval on any stoppage.
13. Ejections:
Any player, coach assistant coach or registered team official who is sent off will automatically be suspended from their next game.
14. Scoring System:
3 Points for a win
1 Points for a tie
0 Points for a loss
(no deductions for red cards)
For forfeited games, a score of 3 to 0 will be awarded in favor of the team that did not forfeit.
15. Tie Breaking Procedure:
In case of a tie in tournament points following the completion of preliminary games, the advancing team will be determined based on the following criteria in the order specified:
A. Head to Head competition – team that won the head to head competition between the teams that are tied will advance (should there be a tie in tournament points between three or more teams, the tie-breaking procedure begins with #B below.)
B. When and if only two teams remain tied at any point while using this procedure, the order of tie breaking will recommence at #A above
C. Team with the fewest losses advances
D. Team with the highest goal differential advances (goals scored by a team minus goals allowed by a team, not to exceed a differential of 4 goals in any one match)
E. Team with fewest goals allowed advances
F. Team with most goals scored advances (not to exceed 4 goals counted for any one match)
G. Team with fewest send-offs advances
H. Kicks from the penalty spot as per FIFA rules. The team with the most successful kicks advances
16. Format:
U9 & U10 games must be played in the 7v7 format. U11 & U12 games will be in the 9v9 format. U13-U15 games will be in the 11v11 format.
Each team in the tournament is guaranteed a minimum of _3_ games (forfeited games will count in game minimum.)
17. Preliminary play (check all that apply):
__x___ Round Robin Bracket play (each team in the flight will play the all other teams in their flight)
__x__ Total Cross Bracket play (each team will play all teams in a designated opposing flight)
__x___ Partial Cross Bracket play (each team will play teams from within their own flight as well as cross-over games into opposing flight
__x____In Bracket play (a group of 5 will play each other totaling 4 games)
18. Awards:
Awards will be given in these categories
Trophies - 1st place all age groups
Medals - Champion and Finalist (U9-U10)
Participation pins will be given to: (check all applicable):
each player _x_
coaches (2 per team) _x_
Teams must be at the field 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of their game in order to be checked in by referees or appointed tournament officials. Games will be started within 5 minutes of the designated start time. If a team has not taken the field with a minimum of seven (7) players within the 5 minute grace period, the game will be forfeited to the team that has taken the field with at least seven (7) players. If neither team takes the field within the 5 minute grace period, no points will be awarded to either team and the game will be declared a double forfeit. The referee and/or Tournament Committee may terminate a game and award a forfeit if a team leaves the field during the game without the approval of the referee, the referee abandons a match due to excessive violent conduct and/or misconduct by the players, coaches or fans, or a team is deemed to be in gross violation of US Youth Soccer rules, California Youth Soccer Association rules, or rules of this tournament.
19. Home Team:
The team listed first on the game schedule is the home team and shall have their choice of the side of the field. Conflicts in jersey color will be resolved by the home team being required to change jerseys. The referee will determine if there is a conflict in jersey colors or keeper jersey colors. The home team will be responsible for providing (3) game balls.
20. Sportsmanship and Conduct:
Good sportsmanship is expected of all teams, officials, and fans. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, staff, parents, and affiliated spectators. Foul language, referee abuse and/or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may lead to immediate disqualification for the rest of the tournament.
21. Injuries and Medical Assistance:
Any injuries must be reported to a tournament official so that an accident report form can be completed. A tournament official will call 911 for an injury at the coach’s or parent’s request.
22. Weather Conditions:
If deemed necessary by the Tournament Committee, games may be shortened or cancelled due to extreme weather conditions.
23. Tournament Cancellation
RYSC will grant a 25% refund of the tournament fee in case of cancellation of the tournament due to acts of god, inclement weather, bad air quality or excessive heat or any other reason outside of RYSC’s power and influence.
24. Prohibitions:
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is expressly prohibited at any of the sport fields or complexes. Any team (including players, coaches, parents, and affiliated spectators) found violating these rules will automatically forfeit all games played, face possible expulsion from the tournament and will not be invited to any future tournaments hosted by this league. Use of tobacco products is prohibited at this tournament. Use of tobacco products on the grounds of any public-school facility is a violation of California State Law.
For risk management reasons pets are prohibited. Referees will be instructed to abandon a game if, after being asked to do so, any person affiliated with the team refuses to remove a pet from the area of the soccer field, or if after being asked to do so, any person affiliated with the team refuses to cease the use of tobacco products in the area of the soccer field.
All Portable Shelters (EZ ups, tents, etc.) must be secured with either stakes or sandbags.
1. Tournament Information:
Name of Tournament: At The Break 2024
Name of Hosting League: Roseville Youth Soccer Club
Date of Tournament: October 5th 2024
Number of Teams: Approx. 40
Age Group(s), Division(s) and Gender(s): U6-U14, Recreational, Boys/Girls
Tournament is open to recreational teams registered in good standing with any U.S. Soccer Federation affiliate.
2. Tournament Director Information:
Name: Robert Werner
Mailing Address: Po Box 355 Roseville CA 95678
Phone Number: 916-599-1493 E-Mail Address:
Tournament Website Address:
3. Entry Fees: $200 U6-U8 / $350 U9-U10 and $400 U11-U12. $450 $U13-U14
Make check payable to: Roseville Youth Soccer Club
4. Guest Player Policy:
For this tournament, unlimited guest players are allowed on a team provided the players are from the same age & gender group. Players are allowed to play up one age group. Co-ed teams are permitted and such teams compete in the male division. Competitive team players are not permitted as guest players.
Guest players will be allowed in accordance with US Club or NorCal Guest Player Policies. Teams other than US Club or NorCal teams must abide by their receptive guest player policies. All guest players attending must have a valid member pass, consent for medical treatment form, and be listed on the appropriate travel forms. Guest players must use credentials from the same season as those being used by the team with which they are playing.
5. Application Policies/Procedures:
Teams may apply to only one tournament per weekend unless they have received a rejection notification from a tournament OR they properly withdraw from a tournament. Teams that inappropriately apply to more than one tournament on a given weekend face financial and disciplinary sanctions by the US Soccer or NorCal. Teams may play in only one age group/gender classification in any given tournament on one weekend. The tournament has the right to close any and all age groups that are completely full prior to the application deadline. The tournament may eliminate a division if a lack of sufficient number of applicants for that division is received. Teams will be notified of a division closing within seven days following the application deadline.
Tournament application deadline: September 14th 2024
Notification of team acceptance or rejection will be sent to every timely applicant by:September 27th 2024
Rejected team’s entry fees must be refunded on the date the rejection notice is sent to the team.
6. Refund Policy:
When the tournament has properly notified a team of their acceptance the tournament is entitled to retain all or a portion of the entry fee for a team requesting withdrawal from their tournament portion of the entry fee for a team requesting withdrawal from their tournament
7. Withdrawal Policies/Procedures:
A team wishing to withdraw from a tournament must send a written notification to the tournament director (this may include email) of their decision to withdraw not later than 14 days prior to the start of the tournament. Failure to do so may result in a minimum $300 team penalty assessed by the tournament as well as forfeiture of tournament entry fees) Teams that have submitted a timely application and that have not received notification from a tournament director of the acceptance or rejection six weeks prior to the tournament may withdraw without penalty and apply to another tournament and the team’s entry fee will be refunded in full. The tournament director will provide written acknowledgement of the withdrawal to the team which will include directions regarding any financial consequences and/or penalties associated with the team’s withdrawal.
8. Credentials Requirements:
Credentials from the _2024-2025___ season(s) will be accepted in this tournament.
Teams will be grouped based on the age group matrix for the _2024-2025 season.
Tournament is open to recreational teams registered in good standing with any U.S. Soccer Federation affiliate.
The following credentials must be presented at the mandatory team credentials check-in:
A. A properly approved official team roster, including guest player approvals, issued by the team’s governing organization.
B. Properly approved member passes from the same seasonal year for each player (including guest players). All member passes for the team and the team’s guest players must be issued by the same governing organization.
C. A properly completed medical release and hold harmless declaration signed in original ink by the parent or guardian (or by the player in the instance where the player is 18 years of age) for each player and guest player.
D. Each team must have at least one properly credentialed adult present on the sidelines of each match.
E. In addition to being checked at the pre-tournament credentials check-in, all members’ passes will be checked prior to the beginning of each match.
9. Mandatory Credentials Check-In
Each team will check in with the referees at your designated field location.
Location: Maidu Regional Sports Complex - Soccer fields.
Date: Saturday October 5th Time: 8:00AM to 7:00PM
10. Length of Games and Half Time period (list each age group):
Age Group Preliminary Games and Consolation and Championship Games
4v4: Four 8 minute quarters / 2 minute break each quarter/ 5 minute half break
U9-U13 Two 15 minutes halves/ 5 minute half time period
In preliminary games ties will stand. If a championship or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, the game will be decided by penalty kicks as per FIFA laws of the game. At the discretion of the Tournament Committee, overtime periods may be shortened or eliminated if the game has been significantly delayed at the start. The length of any game may be shortened to shorter but equal halves if the Tournament Committee deems it necessary due to field conditions, weather, or darkness
11. Mandatory Rest Periods
Teams and players must be given a minimum rest period of 1.25 hours between games. The rest period will commence when a team’s or player’s match ends and will end when the team’s or player’s subsequent match begins.
12. Substitutions:
Unlimited substitutions are allowed with referee approval on any stoppage.
13. Ejections:
Any player, coach assistant coach or registered team official who is sent off will automatically be suspended from their next game.
14. Scoring System:
Maximum number of points allowable per game:
__3__ Points for a win:
__1__ Points for a tie:
For forfeited games, a score of _3_ to _0_ will be awarded in favor of the team that did not forfeit.
15. Tie Breaking Procedure:
In case of a tie in tournament points following the completion of preliminary games, the advancing team will be determined based on the following criteria in the order specified:
A. Head to Head competition – team that won the head to head competition between the teams that are tied will advance (should there be a tie in tournament points between three or more teams, the tie-breaking procedure begins with #B below.)
B. When and if only two teams remain tied at any point while using this procedure, the order of tie breaking will recommence at #A above
C. Team with the fewest losses advances
D. Team with the highest goal differential advances (goals scored by a team minus goals allowed by a team, not to exceed a differential of 4 goals in any one match)
E. Team with fewest goals allowed advances
F. Team with most goals scored advances (not to exceed 4 goals counted for any one match)
G. Team with fewest send-offs advances
H. Kicks from the penalty spot as per FIFA rules. The team with the most successful kicks advances
16. Format:
U6-U8 games must be played in the 4v4 format. U9-U13 games will be played on 7v7 size fields with a 5v5 + Goalie format
Each team in the tournament is guaranteed a minimum of _2_ games (forfeited games will count in game minimum.)
17. Preliminary play
Teams will play within their bracket. Finals will be decided by the top two teams in the bracket with a consolidation game deciding 3rd place will take place for those teams with brackets of 4 or more.
18. Awards:
Type of Awards: _x_ medals
Awards will be given in these categories: 1st, 2nd place
Start Times and Forfeitures:
Teams must be at the field _10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of their game in order to be checked in by referees or appointed tournament officials. Games will be started within _5_minutes of the designated start time. If a team has not taken the field with a minimum of seven (6) players within the _5_ minute grace period, the game will be forfeited to the team that has taken the field with at least seven (6) players. (or 4 in the instance of U6-U8) If neither team takes the field within the 5 minute grace period, no points will be awarded to either team and the game will be declared a double forfeit. The referee and/or Tournament Committee may terminate a game and award a forfeit if a team leaves the field during the game without the approval of the referee, the referee abandons a match due to excessive violent conduct and/or misconduct by the players, coaches or fans, or a team is deemed to be in gross violation of US Youth Soccer rules, California Youth Soccer Association rules, or rules of this tournament.
19. Home Team:
The team listed first on the game schedule is the home team and shall have their choice of the side of the field. Conflicts in jersey color will be resolved by the home team being required to change jerseys. The referee will determine if there is a conflict in jersey colors or keeper jersey colors. The home team will be responsible for providing (3) game balls.
20. Sportsmanship and Conduct:
Good sportsmanship is expected of all teams, officials and fans. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, staff, parents and affiliated spectators. Foul language, referee abuse and/or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may lead to immediate disqualification for the rest of the tournament.
21. Injuries and Medical Assistance:
Any injuries must be reported to a tournament official so that an accident report form can be completed. A tournament official will call 911 for an injury at the coach’s or parent’s request.
22. Weather Conditions:
If deemed necessary by the Tournament Committee, games may be shortened or cancelled due to extreme weather conditions.
23. Tournament Cancellation
RYSC will grant a 25% refund of the tournament fee in case of cancellation of the tournament due to acts of god, inclement weather, bad air quality or excessive heat or any other reason outside of RYSC’s power and influence.
24. Prohibitions:
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is expressly prohibited at any of the sport fields or complexes. Any team (including players, coaches, parents and affiliated spectators) found violating these rules will automatically forfeit all games played, face possible expulsion from the tournament and will not be invited to any future tournaments hosted by this league. Use of tobacco products is prohibited at this tournament. Use of tobacco products on the grounds of any public school facility is a violation of California State Law.
For risk management reasons pets are prohibited. Referees will be instructed to abandon a game if, after being asked to do so, any person affiliated with the team refuses to remove a pet from the area of the soccer field, or if after being asked to do so, any person affiliated with the team refuses to cease the use of tobacco products in the area of the soccer field.
All Portable Shelters (EZ ups, tents, etc.) must be secured with either stakes or sandbags.
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Roseville Soccer Club is offering two camps this winter, which will be led by several members of its esteemed coaching staff. You don't want to miss this fun opportunity to hone your skills!
MLK Camp - January 20, 2025
Lincoln Camp - February 10, 2025
Click the link below to register!